Thursday, August 18, 2016

Current Weight: 216. Goal Weight: 155.

I was sitting on the porch watching the girls draw with sidewalk chalk and I was thinking to myself how different I've been feeling the last week or so. I decided it was time to do another blog post. I know I haven't been posting much here and that's because I mostly post to my instagram account which has been a nice little diary/journal for me to record all my progress/weigh ins/food etc. But I feel like I have a little more to say so I'll just post it here.

I am currently down 36 lbs since November. I know. That's not really a lot to lose in the course of 10 months. I'm averaging .9 lbs a week. Which isn't bad. That's fine. But it is really slow. And the last couple of weeks I've started running. I decided to give the couch to 5 k program another go. I've tried it a couple of times in the past but always quit. I'm doing it again and I don't remember it being so hard! I must be getting old because it's been difficult. I'm actually in my 3 week repeating week 1! I think next week I'll move onto week 2. So anyway, since I've been running I feel a lot stronger. I feel slimmer. I feel like I can actually *feel* my body changing! I have weigh in in two days (Saturdays - and I always cheat the entire day and eat whatever I want that day.). So as of this morning I"m down to 215. So I'm kind of hoping I can be down to 214 by Saturday. I NEED a nice two pound loss. I really want to start upping my average loss to at LEAST a pound. I had a goal last year to get down to the 180's by October (we are going to Maui for our 10 year) but I won't even be close to the 180's at this pace. I've made peace with missing that goal, but I'm obviously still going to continue to do this! I'm actually enjoying it. I enjoy food way more when I watch my portions and exercising has been a nice challenge for me. I'm hoping that now that I am working out 3 days a week. I'll see a slight boost on the scale.