Sunday, May 8, 2016


I got through my first week on my new approach to weight watchers. That's what I'm calling it. My new approach. I've been doing this since November. I'm currently in my 7th month of this. I've had several slips where I've gone off track for several days, even weeks. But I've decided it's time to buckle down. Especially if I want to reach my goal of being in the 180's for Hawaii. Tyson and I bought our tickets a few days ago, so there's no going back! We're going! And I will have a wonderful time if I'm at a weight I'm more comfortable with and also knowing that I made my goal!

Okay, here are the stats:

Starting weight: 253 lbs
Current Weight: 229 lbs
Goal weight: 183 lbs (I'm putting 183 because it's exactly 70 lbs from my starting weight, but honestly, if I make it to the 180's at ALL I will feel like I accomplished my goal!)

Ultimate goal weight: 155 lbs

Okay, the ultimate goal weight probably won't happen for another year, but I'm hopeful.

I found an account on Instagram of this girl named Kristy. She took an approach to WW I've never seen before and I'm anxious and curious to test it out. Here is what she does: Every morning she starts her day with a bottle of lemon water. She drinks that first and waits to eat breakfast for about 1/2 hour to an hour. She sticks to her daily points every day of the week except Saturdays when she lets herself eat whatever she wants. She claims to have never had a week where she didn't lose/gain/maintain. She lost 75 lbs in 40 weeks. That's an average of 1.8 lbs a week. If I follow her approach and lose the same amount of weight on average, I will be in the 180's by October. So I'm trying it.

I had cheat day yesterday and it was fun but it's also something I'm trying to get used to. The last two cheat days I've felt like I was gorging myself too much. Maybe even comparable to a "load" day for hCG. I didn't love the cheats. I also don't like that I have to "cheat" on a specific day. The beauty of WW is that you don't have to deprive yourself of anything and you can dip into those weeklies if you need to for a special event or whatever. So moving all my extras to one day is an adjustment. It will absolutely be worth it if it proves to give me big losses each week.

I'm hopeful that I'll get large losses on the scale each week and that will motivate me to keep going. This week I lost a pound. My scale is kind of stupid and gives me different readings so I'm not exactly sure what to think. Last week I was hovering around the 230's/229's and this week it kind of said the same thing.

So, I was browsing through facebook today and saw this post from my lean body challenge group I'm a member of...this girl posted pictures from January and comparison pics from May. So, I thought about how much a difference of 5 months can make and I realized that in no time, it'll be September and I could be down to the 190's or 180's. It might seem like taking it each day or each week will take forever, but it will be September eventually and I"m not going to waste anymore time feeling bummed or that it will take forever. I've had so many times I've wanted to quit this "diet" and I'm not going to. I remember when I got down to the 160's 2 year ago, Tyson couldn't keep his hands off me. I want that back again. I want to look and feel beautiful! Especially for my hubby.

Anyway, I'm not stopping. I'm going to keep drinking lots of my lemon water and regular water and hopefully I'll reach my goals by September. :)

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